When we were first assigned this project, I was completely shocked. I had NO idea how I was going to design a place for an egg that celebrated a quality of the egg only using PAPER. I was honestly stumped for quite a while, but as we started to discuss our ideas among our groups, I became less confused. So I finally decided that I wanted to portray the symbolism of "life" of an egg. My final project consisted of three different stages of a tulip inside a square pot. The egg illustrated as the seed, and the three tulips were different growth stages of the flower. This is what my project ended up looking like...I could honestly say that for my first project, it was pretty successful.
When this project was first assigned, instantly, the colors black, red, and white came into mind. I knew that I definitely wanted to incorporate those colors into my project somehow. I wanted something simple. But not SO simple that my box looked super dull. I think by adding the red made my box appear very alive and not so flat-looking. My two iterations that I did were not so successful. I had many problems with the different adhesives I was using…they either left ugly stains on my box or didn’t hold up my box the way I wanted it to. It was almost like a test drive. I had to see which adhesive was the best for putting together certain parts of the box. So the photographs above are of my final project. For the most part, I believe that it came out pretty successful and a huge improvement from my two iterations.